Fabulous, unique guesthouse w/ lots of social life, more photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/bangkoksong/


Another Tough Time

The city of Bangkok seemed normal today. Tourists were everywhere. The subway and skytrain that I took were packed. The malls were busy. Bangkok "dolls" still had her boyfriend or her lady in waiting follow them around the town w/ a digital camera. I went around doing my banking as I had done any other Saturday (in Thailand, many banks have their branches in the malls and are open 7 days a week, very convenient.)

That's a part of the city oblivious to something that matters more. Another part of Bangkok sings a totally different tune.

Right now as we speak, there is a huge ongoing protest against the government, at the Government House. The disgruntled people call themselves PAD (People's Alliance for Democracy). But, they have been barking against the democratically-elected government.

Last night the police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd, only to see more of them. Labor unions shut train services across the country, in addition to 3 airports in the south. Madness!!!!

By tomorrow evening, we will know if Prime Minister Samak will stay or not. He is reported to be meeting w/ His Majesty the King right now. Whatever His Majesty graciously advises, the premier will have to oblige.

Personally, I am not particularly fond of the chili cart being upset. The government has been in office for less than a year and the economy keeps growing while we have seen the nearly impossible; the unemployment rate sank from last year 1.5 to currently 1.4.

Still, PAD can't stand the fact that the government is linked to the ousted former prime minister. Heard of Thaksin Shinawatra? He's now in England, reportedly trying to seek a political asylum there. PAD want the government out. Some people just don't know when to stop.

But my husband is in favor of the unruly citizens. He compares and contrasts it to the lack of actions by one nation that should have spoken in a grand manner against her leader for stealing the election twice and hurling the country into a nasty, trapped war. Sounds familiar?

Randy went on w/ his reasons to validate the chaos and convince me that it is all ok. I just want my fabulous, peaceful Bangkok (the whole of her) back as soon as possible.

Looks like "as soon as possible" is really naive on my part. But I will uphold my naivety by hoping that the government will not use any more tear gas or any force but allow the freedom of (mad) speech to blossom until the backing resources are depleted.

We'll see who's gonna last - police who work in shifts or the fools who strand themselves in front of the house of government. You know, Thai people in general are very fickle and get bored very easily. The way I see it, it's a game of wait and see on both sides, a strategy of trying to wear your opponent out. Well it's working, at least on me - I'm worn out on this whole issue already!

Starry-eyed Joe

1 comment:

Juliana Dewi Kartikawati said...

Don't worry be happy!
Come visit my blog.