Fabulous, unique guesthouse w/ lots of social life, more photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/bangkoksong/



A week after the end of Oct and a lot of people seem to have recovered from the reckless spending spree that revitalized and jeopardized Bangkok.

Myself included.

Having spent all of our extra cash from our monthly pay, we will now have to stay lean every single day. Well, until November ends. Until then, we’ve got to describe this period as TIGHT.

But, this doesn’t mean we will be totally denied any fun which, in many cases, is totally free when it comes to Bangkok. Look at our police officers.

That’s right. You didn’t misread anything.

When my mother first moved to Bangkok last year, she didn’t quite know her way around. So, it was more often than not that she ended up violating this and that traffic rule. You know, you can’t make a u-turn here, turn left there and the police will chase and place a ticket upon you. Those types of things.

But, she always ended up escaping any form of punishment by the officers. What they would give her is a sighhh saying “Auntie, don’t do this again. It is not as simple as your home town.” And, she was let go. Auntie? I’ll explain this cultural stuff in a future post.

True, such leniency towards the elders makes our guys in khaki uniform cool in some people’s eyes. But what will really arrest your eyes cannot be anything but the really tight outfits that accentuates the shape and form of the officers themselves.

It is something that I grew up w/ and, hence, have taken for granted. But, as foreign guest after foreign guest commented in unison about how TIGHT it is, I began to notice.

From what I understand, the tight uniform is supposed to keep our boys shape-conscious. Good appearance is definitely part of the whole package of this section of civil servants. That will inspire admiration and cooperation from the general public and of course, intimidate the crooked.

Whatever. None of these dudes inspire or intimidate me. But many of them sort of excite me. Look at the same guy from behind.

Well, officer, tell me how I can direct your official attention my way. What offence should I commit so you could pronounce me a trouble maker? Just tell me so you would have a valid reason to handcuff me!

Curious Joe

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Joe, you are an lovely, kind and gentle angel, and a very entertaining angel at that.