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27-Dollar NOKIA

A brand new NOKIA mobile that I bought the other day brought me joy on many levels. First of all, it is a gift for my Randy. His phone had died the previous week. The simple but cute item cost me only THB 890 or USD 27. It must sound dirt cheap in many parts of the world. It is ridiculously cheap for Bangkok too!!

As I said, my joy didn't stop there. Two of my colleagues - a maid & a driver to be specific - thought it was very sensible of me to get this phone. I guess what they meant by sensible is the fact that I, as someone who obviously makes a lot more money than they do, dare to buy this so 'uncool' phone. The idea of my (supposedly rich) white husband carrying this phone around town must be almost too soothing maybe. It must've made them feel more comfortable w/ what they're using. I'm glad as this seems to be the case.

I don't know if Thai people have always been this shallow and insecure but it saddens me everytime when I see this society look up to expensive gadgets and look down on those who can't afford them. I have nothing against those who can afford the newest things that have just hit the market. But, I have everything against those who say they cringe everytime when they have to take calls in public places with their inexpensive phone. The most common place in this case is the public buses. Can you believe it? Who the fuck do they think they can fool?

And, I have nothing against those Blackberry's or iPhones. I just find them rather unsexy. They look like the floppy ass of your middle-aged next door neighbor. Call my point of view sour grape if you will. Right now, I'm just gonna say "Viva La 27-Dollar NOKIA!'

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